About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

30 December 2009

Easy 62

no running yesterday...played golf (29pts), average but did win nearest the pin on the 14th...did some caching including some night caching...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 14.1/77% (apparent temp: 13.7)
start time: 6:44am
total distance: 10.94
total time: 1:02:00
avg pace: 5:40
total calories: 528
avg HR*: 141

did get out this morning, had to be early as golf was earlier, and the temperature was lovely!...

played better golf today (one shot better than my handicap)...

will I run tomorrow or will my next run be 2010?!

Jodie's out running and Suze is on her bike with Hux (note, Hux is running, not on the bike as well)...I have to make dinner now!

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