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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

03 December 2009

Parlauf Relays rock...

two events tonight...

6pm...3000m...plan was not to start quite so fast (achieved as I pointed out to SG as I ran alongside him and behind Janene & Helen)...my aim was to stick behind Helen but she soon sped off into the distance (so technically I did stick BEHIND her!)...I re-adjusted to hanging onto Janene's coat-tails as she was running a good solid pace...unfortunately she pulled out on the 5th lap (?) so I had to do it all myself!...it was a bit windy in the back straight but other than that I thought the conditions were OK...

15th in 12:55.88...I've now got a bunch of times around 12:54-12:55...three of them this season including my PB (22/10 12:54.55 PB, 5/11 12:55.57, 3/12 12:55.88)

rough splits: 0:49, 1:40, 1:45, 1:47, 1:47, 1:48, 1:47, 1:32
k splits: 4:14, 4:27, 4:15

Janene and I elected to sit out the Higgins Memorial 800m handicap...but it was good to watch...and we were glad to give the 800m cough a miss!

We did sign up for the Parlauf Relays which was the last track event of the night - 5 person relay teams, each running 400m, 300m, 200m & 100m to cover a total of 5000m - and it rocked...we ended up being in Team Orange after Neil did the team allocations and our remaining team members were Margaret Mc, Jim W & Gary B...there were four other teams - Green, Pink, Blue and Red...

I thought Team Green would be the team to beat (including Bruce G, Ewen, Sheryl G) and so it proved....we did manage to overtake Team Pink in the last 150m to finish 2nd despite Rachelle's best attempts to run down Gary!...

it looks there is another one planned for the second half of the season and I'll definitely be putting my hand up!

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Yes, it was good fun - as was not having a coughing fit after the 800 ;)

I reckon the headwind was worth 3 or 4 seconds - when I was following people, they weren't going fast enough - when I was leading into it, I slowed down.

The 3k PB will go. Maybe don't cane it quite so much on Monday before the next one.