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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

07 December 2009

Busy weekend...

Saturday - golf and baseball...golf ended up being a social round as the women were playing a fun comp...Suze, Bev & I ended playing a "par" comp (as the men were playing) and we played for money, we all played equal to or better than our handicaps but I was the only one that didn't win any $$...

baseball was at Viking Park against the newcomers to the comp...we won 19-2...

Sunday was given over to the Urban Polaris...the start/finish was at Reid CIT...we decided on a plan and stuck to it even picking up three extra controls...just over 80ks in 6:50, we visited 22 checkpoints (one worth 0pts)...at the 10 pin bowling in Belconnen we had to bowl one ball and I scored a strike...at the Australian Museum for Democracy (old Parliament House), Jodie managed the extra task of tying a knot in a snake with her tongue!...one control involved a short swim from Black Mountain Peninsula (I did that one, it was refreshing!)...

our last checkpoint was a paddler on Lake Burley Griffin who you had to hail from shore as he paddled between Kings Ave bridge and the hospice...lucky for us he wasn't too far from shore...

we finished 14th in the Open Female category (out of 23) and 138th overall out of 229 with 260pts...

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