About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

16 November 2009

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees: Andrew, Caroline, Chris, Craig, Emily, Ewen, Garry, Gary, Helen, Jennifer, Jodie, Joel, Kat, Kathy, Matt, Neil, Richard (?), Ruth, SG, Tony, Warrick, Yelena, and me...

warm up: 2.33k (jog to oval + big loop + jog to oval)

repeat of last week...~690m figure of 8 loop - first loop included a short sharp hill & 5 pushups, second loop include a "double" hill...5 repeats on 5mins...

effort times: 3:28, 3:32, 3:28, 3:35, 3:29

warm down: 1.43k

total 7.67k in 64:22...starting temp/humidity: 33.4/12% ("apparent temp": 31.0)...avg HR: 138

change of plans tomorrow...no running, walking the boy instead as Suze has to be at work by 7am then I'm at Manuka for Day 1 of the 3-day Futures League* match between ACT & Victoria overseeing a new online scorer (who hasn't had any training and thinks it's easy!)...will run Wednesday instead...

* used to be called the Cricket Australia Cup but has now been changed to an U23 comp with a maximum of 3 overage players - ACT are not restricted in this manner

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