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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

29 June 2008

Weekend Wrap...


it was 6 v 2 in the footy...this was the team we played in our first ever premiership match and we were soundly beaten 0-72...

this time we got on the scoreboard although I can't tell you an exact score because the scoreboard wasn't being used...I think it was something like 10-70? edit: 10-77

I think I scored our only goal - I say "think" because I was being tackled as I kicked it and I was slung to the ground as a result...by the time I looked up I could see one of players following it over the line...!


did my first Mt Ainslie handicap and my first handicap since January...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 8.3/78% (rising to 11.5/57%)
start time: 9:38am
total distance: 9.24
total time: 46:28
avg pace: 5:02
total calories: 729
avg HR*: 167

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:04 [Z1: 93-111]
00:03 [Z2: 111-130]
00:04 [Z3: 130-148]
34:38 [Z4: 148-167]
07:02 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 4:42, 5:18, 4:59, 5:11, 4:40, 5:25, 4:49, 5:49, 4:44

I started off Group 30 (33:50) and managed to finish 26th...had a "ding dong" battle with Kathy S over the last 300m or so...the fact that it was downhill and that I considerably outweigh her played to my advantage momentum-wise! (edit: forgot to add that she also started about 11 groups behind me!!)

saw Ewen and Thea heading in the opposite direction (twice)...

did a couple of caches on the way home and will be spending this afternoon at the footy where Jodie is umpiring - I will be looking after Hux...


speedygeoff said...

You out momentumed KS! If only you could do that the whole way!

How did you survive that tackle let alone score a possible goal, I'd run away like crazy if some of them AFL chix tried their tackle tactics on me!

You must be bigger than you look.

Ewen said...

Congrats on the goal. Your team has improved - 5 scoring shots this time!

Jim W was impressed that you ran away from down the hill too (he prides himself on his downhill running). Beating Kathy in any way is no mean feat. I think I'd back you in a 400m.

Yes, I had a dodgy heel from yesterday, so jogged 15k with Thea - it was very easy, and good for my foot.