About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

25 May 2008

Weekend wrap...


a nice day to be outside - played Tuggeranong @ Amaroo...we only had 16 players and then were reduced to 15 just before half-time...we lost 9-8 (62) - 2.5 (17)...I managed to fluke our first goal which bounced over the defender's head...

pleasantly surprised to see SG there as an interested spectator!

headed over to Mt Ainslie to pick up the ACTCCC results for the 1/3/9.5k so I could enter them online...I'm next rostered on to do that on 19 July for the Longstaff/Pennington 1/4/8/12k...

had a good night out with the team...


woke up very tired so didn't do much of anything today, only leaving the house to do the shopping...

so no 2hr run...very slack!

1 comment:

speedygeoff said...

After being beaten up by those big girls I'm not surprised you had a rest day.

I put a couple of great photos on my blog, I have more if you'd like them A-R.