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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

29 May 2008

speedygeese @ Dickson...

i think there were 16 of us tonight - SG, Colin, Rod, Mick, Rachelle, David, Neil Geoff B, Tony, Miranda, Margaret, Ruth, Jodie, Matt, Chris G and me...

two warm up laps (1.80k & 1.12k) followed by 3 x 1k (in lane 2) followed by warm down (1.05k)...

all of us ran the first 1k starting together except Matt & Chris G who were doing 600s...SG held the watch...

for the 2nd & 3rd ks we started on handicap the "slowest" first (Jodie) out to the fastest (Colin?)...

I started 1:20 behind Jodie and couldn't catch the rabbit...in fact, I don't think anyone caught the rabbit except the 600 people on the second effort when they started 30secs earlier than they should have (SG needs to work on his math!)...

my efforts: 4:10, 4:06, 4:12...Jodie's efforts: 5:30, 5:14, 5:06!

all up 8.1k in 68:29...starting temp/humidity: 11.1/62%, finishing at: 8.5/75%...

then it was off to footy training...I think we may have 18 for this weekend's match!!

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