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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

05 June 2006

A busy weekend...

first up an easy & quite comfortable run...

the stats:
start time: 7:56am
total distance: 7.30k
total time: 40:00
avg pace: 5:29
total calories: 546
avg HR: 145

after a quick shower it was off to mum & dad's to pick up headlamps and walkies talkies that we had loaned out for Tim & dad's overnight stay in the Brindabella's a couple of weeks ago...

golf was next on the agenda - i was woeful but had fun anyway (seems to be a common theme with my golf lately, i need to play more than once a week to get better)...

rushed from golf to pick up the gear (lucky i have a stationwagon) for the Night Orienteering event then back to mum & dad's for my leg massage...

arrived at the Night O assembly area (Kellaway St, Hackett) just before 5.30pm and started unloading the car...the event starts ran from 6.30-7.30pm with the course closing at 8.45pm...had about 29 entries which was good and everyone enjoyed it even though one of the courses (orange 2) the first control was incorrectly marked on the master map...Jodie & Suze came out and attempted that course together (Suze's first O event) - they didn't find the first 2 controls but found the next 4 (and a stray orienteer who tagged along with them) before heading back in when the courses closed, enjoying it despite not completing the course...only had to wait until just after 9 for the last couple of people to finish...all packed up and home by 9.45pm...

even though i didn't get much sleep and didn't want to get up, i made myself because i knew if i didn't do my long run then i wouldn't do it at all and i like to follow my program fairly religiously!...

wore a thermal under my running shirt as well as a beanie over my headlamp and cap!...had to keep the headlamp on for a good 40mins...

the stats:
start time: 6:09am
total distance: 20.48k
total time: 2:00:00
avg pace: 5:51 (quite slow, my legs didn't want to keep going!)
total calories: 1538
avg HR: 133 (shows i didn't work nearly hard enough)

just enough time to have a nice hot shower and grab breakfast on the way to the O event at Goorooyarroo...got there at about 8.45am and with the help of several sets of hands we were all set up just after 9am...the starts ran from 10:00-12:30 and the last of the people were back by about 1.30pm...a good turn out although somewhat dampened as you'd expect by Jim's death...

home by 2.30pm and slothed for the rest of the day!

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