About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

01 April 2016

FkF #341...

did my easy run late yesterday...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 19.1/49% (apparent temp same)
start time: 5:44pm
total distance: 10.92
total time: 60:00
avg pace: 5:30
total calories: 751
avg HR: 136
recovery HR: 103/41

did some good hills in the back half...

watched the West Indies beat the Kiwis in the second WT20 semi...it's taken them four attempts to win a semi...will make an interesting final against the Southern Stars on Sunday night...

walked the boys this morning...it was looking like a nice day...

headed in for FkF with squiggle in tow...much nicer conditions than the last one two weeks ago...had a good run with Kev on my tail the whole way...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 21.3/41% (apparent temp same)
start time: 12:28pm
total distance: 5.02
total time: 22:39
avg pace: 4:31
total calories: 336
avg HR: 153
recovery HR: 114/53

splits: 4:18, 4:29, 4:34, 4:33, 4:42, 0:05

ranks as =52nd...

Tammie joined us then we headed into Schnitz at Woden for a late lunch...

afterwards I called into The Runners Shop and walked out with a new pair of shoes (with matching laces!) and running duds...

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