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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

21 April 2016

Darwin Award candidates...

a good ride home last night with some interesting observations...
  • one cyclist dressed in black with a puny rear light and no headlight that I could see riding in the on-road cycle lane (brightest thing about him was his pasty legs!)...
  • one runner on an unlit stretch of bike path near Curtin dressed completely in black (after I passed I noticed he did have a headlamp on)...
  • had to come to a halt due to kangaroos on the bike path at the back of Chifley (just a bit further up the bike path than the strava segment called Kangaroo Lane)...
  • an older guy walking his two dogs on those retractable leads - he was in the middle of the path and the dogs were either side - only saw him because he was backlit by the oncoming traffic, didn't hear/ignored my bell until I said "dude" (yes, I called him dude), "you are blocking the path!"....

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 16.8/52% (apparent temp same)
start time: 6:01pm
total distance: 17.58
total time: 43:26 (including 0:24 stopped time)
avg speed: 24.3kph
total calories: 357
avg HR: 128

the usual dog walk before riding in this morning...not as fresh this morning, very pleasant...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.2/85% (apparent temp same)
start time: 7:58am
total distance: 16.56
total time: 37:53 (including 1:03 stopped time)
avg speed: 26.2kph
total calories: 267
avg HR: 120

had another good longer run at lunch...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 24.9/37% (apparent temp same)
start time: 1:07pm
total distance: 11.17
total time: 60:00
avg pace: 5:22
total calories: 799
avg HR: 152
recovery HR: 129/7

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