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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

06 April 2016

BBQ Stakes #2 (reverse)...

first Wednesday of the month sees the course done in reverse with the Teams Trophy up for grabs (I'm assigned to "Others" as there's no other runners from my department)...

handicap was pushed out to 21:15 from 21:00...it was pretty windy...I think I prefer the usual course direction already...

Helen L started 15secs ahead of me and I passed her on the first uphill section but she passed me back and disappeared into the distance to cross the line first...I crossed the line in 13th...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 28.8/27% (apparent temp 28.0)
start time: 12:30pm
total distance: 6.01
total time: 29:34
avg pace: 4:55
total calories: 424
avg HR: 155
recovery HR: 110/59

1k splits: 4:46, 5:14, 5:14, 5:11, 4:46, 4:21, 0:02

I hope the wind dies down before I ride home! (unless of course it becomes a tailwind!!)

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