About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

11 March 2016

FkF #339...

mild conditions although it was a bit humid after all the rain...only a small turn out (15?), must be something on...I was a bit more controlled in the first k...had lots of schoolchildren to dodge near the Fairy terminal...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.1/91% (apparent temp same)
start time: 12:29pm
total distance: 5.04
total time: 23:09
avg pace: 4:36
total calories: 334
avg HR: 155
recovery HR: 106/57

splits: 4:19, 4:35, 4:37, 4:37, 4:53, 0:08

ranks as =94th...

bring on the long weekend!

parkrun and golf tomorrow, long run and long walk with Jodie on Sunday, golf and street O on Monday!

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