About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

26 February 2016

FkF #337...

very slow ride home last night due to the wind...I'm not having any trouble with the heat...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 34.2/18% (apparent temp 32.0)
start time: 6:00pm
total distance: 17.62
total time: 47:13 (including 0:58 stopped time)
avg speed: 22.4kph
total calories: 357
avg HR: 124

up early again this morning...even let Hunter off lead for a bit of the walk (only on the grassy area, not near any footpaths), the first time since he did a runner home the other week!...

a slow ride in to work...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.2/73% (apparent temp same)
start time: 7:57am
total distance: 16.58
total time: 40:14 (including 1:28 stopped time)
avg speed: 24.7kph
total calories: 276
avg HR: 119

about 23 runners/walkers for FkF...I'd stuffed up the start list so people could start whenever they wanted (if I couldn't tell them what their time should be)... p>the stats:
start temp/humidity: 29.7/34% (apparent temp 29.0)
start time: 12:29pm
total distance: 5.02
total time: 22:56
avg pace: 4:34
total calories: 323
avg HR: 156
recovery HR: 105/58

splits: 4:19, 4:38, 4:34, 4:31, 4:50, 0:04

this one ranks as 73rd...

no parkrun tomorrow as I am on volunteer duty (finish tokens) so I will run there and back to make up for it...

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