About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

02 November 2012

Gold Coast...


early morning walk around Harrison before the cricket...3.57k/33:49...

an early start at Manuka to make up for the remaining time lost on Tuesday...ACT ended up losing by an innings and 12 runs to see the game finish a day early...


morning walk around Kambah...3.49k/32:17...

a free day gave me plenty of time to pack for the Gold Coast...did a couple of caches in the late afternoon early evening...


an early start with a 7:30am flight to Brisbane before a drive to the Gold Coast for the Pan Pacific Masters games...I'm here as a non-playing official for the softball team my partner is playing for...

after registering for the games (i.e. pick up accreditation and other stuff), we headed to the accommodation and then onto the shops for groceries...

I organised to hire a bike for the week and it was dropped off at 4:30pm...then I went for my walk (3.48k/30:49)...

now I'm planning to find a cache after getting my BB fix...

tomorrow, will be my return to jogging, albeit in 1 minute efforts...I'm planning to do my sessions before the softball starts each day...

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