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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

16 October 2012

Frustrating flats...

didn’t ride Thursday or Friday due to the weather...

Saturday I headed off to do two Mt Majura reps before golf...

got about 3/4 of the way up for the first one when I realised I had a flat back tyre...pushed on to the top and change the tubes...this took just under 20mins so it put paid to doing a 2nd rep...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 3.3/95% (apparent temp same)
start time: 7:26am
total distance: 16.78
total time: 80:00 (including 23:16 stopped time, 19:57 of which was the tube change!)
avg speed: 12.6kph
total calories: 806
avg HR*: 139

a bit frustrating but at least I got one done...

this weekend was the start of the Club Championships and it’s the first time since I joined the club back in 2000 that I’ve been able to play...normally something has got in the way like cricket, baseball or End of Season footy trips...it’s 4 rounds of stroke over two weekends...

had a solid first round - nothing spectacular but only 3 over my handicap...

Sunday I had similar start to Rd 1 but played much better for the rest of the holes with only one aberration on the 16th...managed a birdie on the 14th (long putt too!), 6 pars and 7 bogies...played to my handicap and I’m only 5 shots off the pace...

back home I cleaned my bike and fixed two punctured spare tubes (might not seem important now but...)...

yesterday morning’s ride to work was interrupted by ANOTHER flat back tyre - this time I managed to find the cause of the damage...it was a tiny piece of curved metal (basically the size of the tip of my little fingernail) and it was a bugger to remove (I need to pack pliers in my kit!)...luckily I had a spare (see importance of above mentioned repairs!) and this time it took just under 19mins to get back underway...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 6.4/88% (apparent temp 5.6)
start time: 7:58am
total distance: 12.13
total time: 52:42 (including 25:10 stopped time, 18:54 of which was the tube change!)
avg speed: 13.8kph
total calories: 417
avg HR*: 115

managed to have a flat free ride to Kambah (woo hoo)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 19.8/40% (apparent temp same)
start time: 5:44pm
total distance: 17.67
total time: 46:17 (including 1:44 stopped time)
avg speed: 22.9kph
total calories: 513
avg HR*: 133

today’s ride in to work was stop free, a first!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 7.9/95% (apparent temp same)
start time: 7:50am
total distance: 17.11
total time: 44:16 (including 0:00 stopped time)
avg speed: 23.2kph
total calories: 592
avg HR*: 143

voted at Pilgrim House at lunchtime...now I don’t have to try and figure out when to do it on Saturday!

a bit windy on the way home but nowhere near as windy as it was later!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 22.4/30% (apparent temp same)
start time: 6:00pm
total distance: 12.05
total time: 36:51 (including 5:25 stopped time)
avg speed: 19.6kph
total calories: 395
avg HR*: 148

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