About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

17 October 2012

Triple ride...

a zippy ride into work despite the extra cyclists for Ride2Work Day...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.1/53% (apparent temp 10.5)
start time: 8:23am
total distance: 12.02
total time: 28:02 (including 3:40 stopped time)
avg speed: 25.7kph
total calories: 361
avg HR*: 138

as usual for recent Wednesdays, it was more Mt Pleasant hill reps at lunch...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 19.6/30% (apparent temp same)
start time: 1:20pm
total distance: 18.01
total time: 52:14 (including 1:03 stopped time)
avg speed: 20.7kph
total calories: 688
avg HR: 147

starting in a harder gear than last week before switching to last week's gear for the first three reps, for the fourth rep I stayed in that starting gear right to the top*...this was the first time all four efforts were sub 4mins... splits: 3:49/1:51, 3:50/1:50, 3:58/1:50, 3:52/1:43

*as with most MTBs, mine has 27 gears (3 on the front, 9 on the back)...

Week 1: gearing = middle front, started on 6 at back before dropping to 5 about a third of the way up for all 4
Week 2: gearing = middle front, started on 6 at back before dropping to 5 about three quarters of the way up for the first 3, stayed in 6 all the way for the final rep
Week 3: gearing = middle front, stayed in 6 at back for all 4
Week 4: gearing = middle front, started on 7 at back before dropping to 6 about a third of the way up for the first 3, stayed in 7 all the way for the final rep

11 days until Fitz's Challenge...at least I'm only doing the 50k Tidbinbilla Challenge which starts at 9:00am (3.5hr time limit, 800m vertical ascent)...there's four other distances all on the same day starting and finishing at Stromlo Forest Park:

105k Tharwa Challenge (7hr time limit, 8:30am start, 1300m vertical ascent)
165k Fitz's Classic (11hr time limit, 7:30am start, 2300m vertical ascent)
205k Fitz's Epic (13.5hr time limit, 6:00am start, 3300m vertical ascent)
255k Fitz's Extreme (13.5hr time limit, 6:00am start, 4700m vertical ascent)

to finish off the day I had a reasonably quick ride home...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 18.8/29% (apparent temp same)
start time: 6:10pm
total distance: 17.68
total time: 46:14 (including 0:51 stopped time)
avg speed: 22.9kph
total calories: 628
avg HR: 143

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