About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

13 August 2012



Gym - Day 1 (chest/shoulders/triceps/abs)...changes:

  • db incline bench press (2x4-6) - weight increased to 20kg, 1x5/1x4
  • bb bench press (2x6-8) - 40kg, 2x6 (a result of the above increase)
  • db shoulder press (3x8-10) - 10kg, 1x10/1x9/1x8
  • swiss ball bench jack knives/hanging knee raises/pulse crunches on back extension (2max) - 48/47/76, 31/36/67


caught the bus to Sydney with Cookie, arrived just after midday to very windy conditions with rain on and off...

caught up with the other two members of our crew before heading to the expo

also visited Haigh's, picking up orders for the usual suspects

dinner was at the usual spot - Fujiya - 9 of us this time as we watched the wild wet weather outside...


up at 6 to get ready and check out...met Cookie in the foyer at 6:45 then it was off to the start...

we dropped our bag in the red truck then I left Cookie in the portaloo line so I could go meet mum, dad and Tim...

Tim and I were at the back of the red group and it probably took me 2mins to cross the start (Tim was long gone by then!)...

I knew this run was going to be hard work so I just tried to maintain a steady pace...didn't really feel the wind until after topping Heartbreak Hill and it was quite strong in some places...happy to cross the line under 80mins...

Tim managed 54:21 while Cookie clocked an impressive 77:54 from the green group...we worked out that Tim had finished before I reached 10k!

we headed up to the Bondi RSL to grab a table for an early lunch while we waited for the two remaining members of our crew to finish (starting from the yellow group)...

after lunch is was back along the beach to catch the bus then train back to Central...

a very early dinner was had at a lovely Thai restaurant near our hotel then is was back on the bus to Canberra by 5pm...a very tiring weekend!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.2/64% (apparent temp 9.0)
start time: 8:02am
total distance: 14.12
total time: 76:29
avg pace: 5:25
total calories: 1046
avg HR*: 165

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:05 [Z1: 93-111]
00:08 [Z2: 112-130]
02:17 [Z3: 131-148]
47:19 [Z4: 149-167]
25:29 [Z5: 168-185]

I got the splits for the C2S markers (which seemed to be in different spots this year?!) at 2k, 4k then every k to 13k:

9:58, 11:21, 4:34, 5:34, 7:13, 5:18, 5:32, 5:14, 6:11, 5:30, 4:09, 5:56

my splits via sporttracks are:

5:05, 4:55, 5:16, 5:23, 5:07, 5:20, 6:13, 5:45, 5:27, 5:43, 5:48, 5:26, 5:10, 5:11, 0:31

1 comment:

speedygeoff said...

Lucky you had a bye then!