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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

07 July 2012



gym - Day 2 (back/legs/biceps)...changes:

  • bb squats (3x6-8) - did leg press instead as both bars were being used...125kg (3x8)
  • bb Romanian deadlifts (2x8-10) - increased weight to 42.5kg (2x10)
  • incline db bicep curls (3x4-6) - increased weight to 10kg (3x6)

v Eastlake @ Football Park, Phillip...3rd v 1st...

we started well kicking the first goal and leading at quarter time but we lacked forward structure and finish as we could get the ball into our forward 50 but couldn't capitalise...

in the end I think we lost 14-31 or something like that...pretty frustrating really...

tonight is High Flyers night at The Lakes...most of the women's team get dressed up, generally outdoing the guys...should be fun...

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