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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

05 July 2012

Light post...


gym - Day 1 (chest/shoulders/triceps/abs)...changes:

  • bb bench press (2x6-8) - weight decreased to 40kg (1x8,1x7)
  • bb eccentric bench press (1x6-8) - weight inadvertently increased to 60kg instead of 55kg (1x6
  • cable crossovers (2x8-10) - 7.5kg (1x10,1x15), weight will probably increase next time
  • db seated overhead tricep ext (2x8-10) - 12.5kg (1x10,1x15), weight will probably increase next time
  • swiss ball bench jack knives/hanging knee raises/crunch pulses on back extension (2xmax) - 32/25/55

last night’s training was held in fairly mild conditions for a Canberra winter...another good session where we worked on some set piece stuff...this weekend we take on the new league leaders in Eastlake, a team we have never beaten...


first run for the day was an easy one

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 9.9/52% (apparent 7.6)
start time: 1:10pm
total distance: 9.50
total time: 55:00
avg pace: 5:48
total calories: 552
avg HR*: 161

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
00:00 [Z2: 112-130]
18:30 [Z3: 131-148]
24:21 [Z4: 149-167]
00:41 [Z5: 168-185]

no shin pain so it was on to speedygeese as planned...

attendees (7): Andrew, Andy, Cookie, Liz (new), Neil, Susan and me...

warm up: 2.07k (usual lap + jog to NW corner)

light post intervals...pyramid...at own pace, starting from the armillary sphere sundial (!)...5 light posts/jog back, light post before middle concrete/jog back, 5 light posts past middle concrete/jog back, last light post/jog back, 5 light posts past middle concrete/jog back, light post before middle concrete/jog back, 5 light posts/jog back

rough times for each interval/rest:
0:29/0:58, 0:56/1:29, 1:36/2:18, 2:08/3:08, 1:39/2:23, 1:04/1:41, 0:33/1:04

warm down: 1.45k (back to stairs!)

total 7.33k in 53:28...starting temp/humidity: 8.3/57% (apparent 5.8)...avg HR: 138...

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