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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

06 March 2011

Weekend wrap...


did some caching in the morning (found 5, did not find 1) before heading to baseball...

we were playing the 6th placed Eagles, a team we've had some trouble getting on top of early...and this was the case again...we ended up winning 14-3 after scoring 7 runs in the 5th and final inning before time was called...their first string pitcher had to leave after the 4th inning which is a problem when you don't really have a back up pitcher - they tried two different ones in that 5th inning to no avail...

I got cleaned up at short stop in their 1st batting inning - a fly ball got hit to right field which meant the runner on 2nd had to tag up and wait for the ball to be played before heading for 3rd...I was moving to 2nd to take the throw (which didn't come in the end) when the runner put her head down after tagging up and headed for 3rd...needless to say she ran smack it me, with each of us bouncing off in a different direction!...I'm not sure where the exact point of contact was but I'm sure she has a sore neck as her helmeted head made solid contact with me...I have a bruise on my left bicep and small lump on the back of my right hand!!

home for a quick shower and change before heading to Dickson Tradies to join some of the footy girls for dinner and then Northies Trivia Night...we ended up winning by 1 point...

this morning we played pennant golf at Yowani against Capital with a 7:45am start...in the end, we lost 5-0 in a match we need to at least square...I lost on the last hole, one of our two matches which went to the 18th...

early afternoon, as Suze and I were heading to do the grocery shopping, Tim sent me a message about his run plans, inviting me to join him for the second half of his run around Mt Ainslie...it worked perfectly with me joining him at 3:15pm and running for 75mins...it was a fun run on a mix of trails I'd done before and some I'd never seen...Tim was loaded up as he would before the Marathon des Sables which made it a lot easier for me to keep up with him!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 19.4/44%
start time: 3:15pm
total distance: 12.45
total time: 75:00
avg pace: 6:02
total calories: 649
avg HR*: 147

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:07 [Z1: 93-111]
00:18 [Z2: 112-130]
42:04 [Z3: 131-148]
27:08 [Z4: 149-167]
00:00 [Z5: 168-185]

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