About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

08 March 2011

Monday morphs into Tuesday...

Monday - ride to gym, gym, ride to work...footy training...

Tuesday - up early to walk Huxley (out the gate by 6:06am!) as Suze had to be at work by 7...have to start out with the headlamp on that time!

easy 50mins at lunch...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 23.7/43%
start time: 1:06pm
total distance: 8.94
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:36
total calories: 411
avg HR*: 149

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:01 [Z1: 93-111]
00:09 [Z2: 112-130]
27:29 [Z3: 131-148]
17:12 [Z4: 149-167]
01:12 [Z5: 168-185]

we are having some house guests for the next week or so...Suze's little sister and her family (Anna, Adam and Ella plus dog!) are coming to stay on the way to moving to Queensland from Victoria...Adam will continue to the drive up on Thursday while Anna and Ella will stay for a little longer...they love caching too so we might plan to do some on the weekend...

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