About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

02 March 2011


Monday's and today's gym session were "freelance" sessions...basically the trainer gives you different exercises to do instead of the usual program, every 5th session...however the same muscles due to be used for the scheduled session are given a good going over...back to the usual programming on Friday...

the weekday routine seems to be working so far...
  • Mon: cycle to gym/gym/cycle to work...cycle home / footy training
  • Tue: lunchtime run
  • Wed: cycle to gym/gym/cycle to work...jog to Majura for baseball training*
  • Thu: lunchtime run...either cycle home or drive to track with my bike on the roof**
  • Fri: cycle to gym/gym/cycle to work...Customs Joggers...cycle home
* this will switch to cycle home / footy training when baseball finishes
** this will switch to speedygeese when track finishes

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