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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

25 February 2011

Ultimate Verti-Cool Challenge

done & dusted!

they ended up having three waves after quite a few late entries - Geoff B, Tim & I jumped into the 2nd one which was made up mostly of Queanbeyan Tiger AFL players...we started from the grassy area behind the temporary car park next to the Botanic Gardens...

total time by my watch was 24:08...18:43 for the Black Mountain Run Up part then a further 5:25 to race to the bottom of the tower and up the stairs...I was pretty pleased with that as I "ran" further up the trail than I did in my recce effort with Tim last week...

Tim did it in 23:25 by his watch, not bad with 10kgs on his back (I vote for 20kgs next time so I can beat him!)

by the way, it didn't feel like 403 stairs but I'm not going back to count!!

mum & dad were at the top so took some pictures as we raced past...I also got a high five from Kermit (aka Jim W) as I made my way to the base of the tower - he was racing in the last stair heat...

we hung around afterwards, further supporting Camp Quality by having some sausage sandwiches and drinks!...Tim got some photos with Prime Possum and the SES Platypus (does it have a name?)...

I caught the shuttle back down with mum & dad while Tim returned via the way we'd come up...and that was after two steak sandwiches and a beer, no way was I returning on foot after two sausage sandwiches and a soft drink!!

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