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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

07 January 2011

Track Meet #11 2010/11

tonight's meet was combined with AACT so there were a lot more people competing...

2 events for me:

6:30ish: 1500m (3rd heat, 5:30+)...I finished 17th out of about 22 (6:16.45)...I did pass two 10 year old girls (well, I think they were 10, they weren't very tall!)...

splits: 1:12, 1:43, 1:44, 1:38

7:55ish: 3000m...again I finished 17th out of 21 this time (13:43.58)...SG paced Ruth and Yelena perfectly to sub 15:00...

splits: 0:52, 1:51, 1:51, 1:48, 1:50, 1:53, 1:52, 1:47
1k splits: 4:34, 4:35, 4:35

first time in my track history (or any running event!) that I've run even paced ks!!

1 comment:

strewth said...

Wow - that was very clever management - perfect splits!