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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

13 December 2010

Weekend wrap...


Christmas shopping (AM) - very successful, 90% done now!

baseball (PM) - tight game...last time we met we came from behind to win 13-12...this time, the scoring went like this...1-4, 6-11, 10-11, 16-11, 18-11 (time called during our 5th batting inning)...we started with our weakest pitcher who was barely making the plate despite warming up OK...I was catcher and it was quite frustrating...Suze switched into pitcher late in our 2nd fielding innings and you can see the difference that made in their scoring rate!

Black Bears Christmas party (PM) - held at a player's house...excellent night!...good food, company and extremely funny (if not naughty in most cases) Secret Santa gifts!


golf (AM) - saw SG running alongside Drake Brockman Drive on the way to the course...first game in three weeks...highlight: nearly getting a "hole in one" on the 5th (the ball hit the pin!) - I got the birdie...finished with 29pts so played 7 over my handicap which has now gone out one to 18...

long run (PM) - started near the end of Drake Brockman Drive and headed towards home...was meant to be 1:50 but only got to just over 1:30 with very sore legs before calling it quits...I kept walking towards home and was lucky enough to have Suze pick me up after she did the grocery shopping...my left ankle/heel is quite sore so I might rest it this week...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 22.1/40% (windy)
start time: 3:19pm
total distance: 15.25
total time: 91:31
avg pace: 6.00
total calories: 777
avg HR*: 145

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:15 [Z1: 93-111]
01:34 [Z2: 111-130]
62:50 [Z3: 130-148]
30:59 [Z4: 148-167]
00:00 [Z5: 167-185]

The Orphan's Christmas dinner (PM) - a good night, lots of food eaten...exchanged recipes with mum - I gave her the brownie recipe in exchange for her lemon meringue pie and pavlova recipes!...presents were also exchanged...

now I've been catching up on the women's cricket stats after another round of matches took place this weekend...still a bit to do but I'm too tired to finish now!

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