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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

25 November 2010

Cricket and Track Meet #7 2010/11...

got an early mark from the cricket when ACT reached its target of 185 before 4pm...

three events tonight...

6:02pm 3000m 13:20.05 (17th/field of XX), ranked 30th/38
splits: 0:50, 1:43, 1:47, 1:50, 1:51, 1:50, 1:52, 1:46
1k splits: 4:20, 4:36, 4:33

7:14pm 1500m 6:12.56 (9th/2nd heat of 14)
had a tussle with Craig for the last 100m or so but he was too good for me in the end...

8:17pm Adler 7 Lap Spiral 13:27.44 (13:27)

started off Group 36 (9:10), 2:20 behind my target Ruth who started in Group 28 (6:50)...by the time I started she had a lead of about 450m which I could only reduce to 200m by the end...I finished 25th - I had nothing!

Helen (2nd), Brett (6th) and Nadine (7th) blew past me while Ruth finished 9th...

Nadine is now in Group 40, Brett & Helen are now in Group 39, Ruth is back to Group 28 while I have somehow managed to stay in Group 36 despite my "corrected rate" of 4:17.5 being well outside the group rate of 4:00-4:05...some people were only slower by a second and eased a group so I've got no idea how that works...and, needless to say, the leader board has changed!

Adler Series Top 5 - Women (after four events)
178 Nadine
176 Helen
162 me
146 Ruth
107 Audrey (didn't run tonight)

I'll be missing the next event because I'll be in Hawaii so I'll need to run well in the last three events to have a chance...

I'm currently icing my elephant ankle and probably won't run tomorrow at Customs...

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