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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

07 November 2010

A bit of a ride...

managed to get up on the dot of 6am and made it down to Greenway by 6:45am...

we headed off just after 7am with about 29 cyclists in total...the group spread out quickly but stopped to re-group when needed...

I'd forgotten to change my tyres to full knobbly but coped well enough despite the slippery conditions in places  they will be changed for race day!...got to ride through so deep pools of water (excellent fun!)...walked in a few spots pushing the bike- very familiar spots from the Tour de Mountain...I was faster than some of those that chose to keep riding!

we dropped one cyclist before the first real climb and then five more left us after we completed Fadden Hills...

I proved useful to a fellow cyclist along Fadden Hills when I provided tyre levers and pump to help fix a pinch flat...

I think I was the only one to ride back to the start (but along the roads this time!)...via Garran Shops to get a cold drink...!

a good substitute for my long run I think...

Ride 1:

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 10.5/87%
start time: 7:07am
total distance: 23.14
total time: 2:37:42
avg pace: 6:48
total calories: 946
avg HR*: 133

Ride 2:

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 14.3/66%
start time: 9:49am
total distance: 12.97
total time: 50:28
avg pace: 3:53
total calories: 295
avg HR*: 123

Interesting Sri Chinmoy Triple Tri snippets:

"Ten Highest Moments of the Triple-Triathlon

Short of going up in a balloon, the Triple-Tri course offers the best aerial views of Canberra available. Check any of the following vantage points for stunning vistas...

1. Mt Majura (1st run course) 888m
2. Mt Taylor (2nd run course) 855m

3. Mt Ainslie (1st run course) 843m
4. Mt Stanley (3rd MTB course) 841m

5. Black Mountain (1st MTB course) 812m
6. Mt Wanniassa (3rd MTB course) 809m
7. Sheaffe Trig (3rd MTB course) 793m

8. Mt Stromlo (2nd MTB course) 782m
9. Davidson Trig (3rd run course) 749m
10. Red Hill (3rd run course) 720m"

I've highlighted the ones in bold that I will be visiting on race day...oops...

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