About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

30 September 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

first things first, I was responsible for the 100001st view of SG's blog, just pipped by Nadine for the book prize!...I kind of like the symmetry in my number though!

now to tonight's session which both Jodie and I managed to attend after missing Monday...

attendees: Colleen, Jennifer, Jodie, Michelle, Nadine, Neil, Ruth, SG, Troy, Yelena and me...

warm up: 2.89k (usual clockwise lap + lap of old Parliament House)

on lower grassy square, running around square set up be SG...20mins (with a change of direction after 10mins)...2 sides of the square hard with 1 side easy...

rough times (effort/rest):
27/15, 32/25, 32/18, 32/30
32/19, 33/26, 34/22, 32/34
34/21, 34/29, 32/23, 31/34
31/20, 33/30, 32/21, 29/35
30/21, 34/33, 30/20, 30/31
29/21, 15*

* stopped on whistle!

warm down: 2.06k (lap anti-clockwise around PH back to stairs)

total 8.99k in 66:25...starting temp/humidity: 11.3/43%...avg HR: 143...

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