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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

07 September 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

no long run yesterday so I'll have to fit one in sometime this week...

tonight's session was held in very cool conditions...

attendees: Andrew, Brett, Chris, Craig, Damian, Emma, Ewen (early), Garry, Jodie, Joel (late), Katherine (early), Kelley, Kym, Mick C, Nadine, Neil, Noelene, Richard (late), Ruth, SG, Yelena (late) and me...

warm up: 2.86k (full lap + out to south western corner then back to start of efforts)

12 x 40sec efforts on 2mins...on western side of Parliament House, heading south for the odd 40secs and jogging back to the start then heading north for the even 40secs and jogging back to the start...it was a bit crowded at each start and the ground was quite uneven so you had to watch where you put your feet...

rough effort distances:
201, 175, 165, 173*,
187, 177, 183, 169,
169, 173, 165, 191
* slightly longer rest here as SG had to reset following a chat with a security dude

warm down: 1.23k (reverse 3/4 lap)

total 8.81k in 60:00...starting temp/humidity: 9.7/62%...avg HR: 154...

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