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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

01 October 2009

Track starts!

two events tonight...and all W40 PBs of course!

3000m @ 6pm (although it started a little late due to technical difficulties!)...a big field (37) meant we had to have a split start with the "fast" ones on the inside and the rest out wide...

was aiming for around 13:30 so 13:27 by my watch was a good start - my first 3000m last season was 13:43.68...

splits: 0:45, 1:44, 1:51, 1:51, 1:51, 1:53, 1:51, 1:40

1500m @ 7:45pm...23 or so runners saw two heats...I started in the second one with Nadine and Brett...had a big sprint finish with Tony B (M70!) but he pipped me on the line (obviously need a bigger chest!) - I had to make up about 10m over the last 100 but had no chance of sneaking up on him with Chris L on the microphone!...6:17 by my watch (a bit later pressing the button as I was concentrating on timing my dip!)...about the same time as my first one last season (6:17:90)...

splits: 1:38, 1:49, 1:43, 1:07


Ewen said...

Borrow Jim White's Canberra Times outfit next time ;)

OK, a carton of coke zero if you put me back the group I was robbed!

speedygeoff said...

Rule #1. Never hassle a handicapper.