About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

22 October 2009

One PB, nearly two...

and not just W40 ones either!

first up was the 3000m...Jodie was also running her first track event as a time trial for her next half marathon - she'll be doing two more before 10 January...it was much warmer than last week and I think windier in the back straight (although I could have been imagining the wind!)

I settled into a good pace early and realised at the 1k mark that I might break 13:00...tried to push through the next k then finish strong...tried to peg back SG in the last lap but he put in a little spurt at the end to beat me...

12:54.55, a PB by 0.24 of a second....Jodie finished with 17:01.91, not bad for a first effort and she'll be better prepared for her next attempt...

splits: 0:50, 1:41, 1:43, 1:44, 1:47, 1:48, 1:47, 1:35
rough 1k splits: 4:14, 4:18, 4:23

there was a big gap to the 7 Lap Spiral so I ran with "Team Blue" in the 4 x 800m...Brett M (2:44), Nick B (3:32), me (3:11) and Ken E (3:17) combined for 12:44

started off Group 41 (9:50) in the Spiral with Ken E and Angel M and a whole posse off 42 including SG, Gary and Brett...

started off hard and then tried to maintain it...Gary passed me as did SG...Ken E pulled ahead...I managed to reel in Ken E on the last lap but in a replay of the 3000m finish I couldn't quite catch SG in finishing 15th...12:57 by my watch which is only a second off my PB set almost exactly a year ago...

temperature at 6pm: 25.1
temperature at 8pm: 17.9

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