About Me

My photo
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

21 September 2009

speedygeese @ La Capanna, Kingston

attendees: Chris, Craig, Dave, Heidi, Janene, Jennifer, Jenny, Joel, Ken, Neil, Peter, Roger, Ruth, SG, Yelena and me

warm up: focaccia bread, plates of mixed bruschetta

pizza, pasta and salad

warm down: chocolate, words of encouragement and coffee...

a great night had by all!

took my bling along to show off...


Ewen said...

Nice bling.

Spody is wrong. Profile says you're only 39!

strewth said...

I agree, it was a great night. I just love the bling - just may have to do it myself one day! Huge congratulations on your 40th today. Hope you achieve lots of PBs in your new age group!

Friar said...

Congratulations on joining another Age Group.

Now you can set a host of P B's.