About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

21 December 2007

More PBs...

arrived at the track in time to watch some of the caber tossing - some very interesting techniques!

competed in 3 events: 1k Turkey handicap, right/left hand shotput & 300m...

did my three right handed puts first before competing in the 1k...

had to guess a time and run to it in the Turkey...not very good at pacing so aimed for a PB - sub 4:00 (3:59)....ended up running a massive PB as I can't ever recall doing any sub 4:00 ks...3:51.78...blew my chances of winning the "Turkey" but rapt in the PB!!

did my three left handed puts before competing in the 300m...think I finished 2nd behind Ray...

the 300m was only my second attempt at this distance and this time I ran a much more controlled race...had lane 3 in an all-female heat...finished in 51.78 just behind Margaret Taylor who had earlier won the President's Gift in the women's 100m handicap for the 8th time!...this was a PB for me of 1.72 seconds...

scored my first Christmas present - an "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie" stubby holder...

1 comment:

Ewen said...

The 300 and 1000 are good PBs! 51.78 is impressive considering Margaret is a sprinter. Your 800m is due for a big revision going on those results.