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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

01 November 2007

Workout Wednesday...

yesterday morning's gym session was a good challenge...10 attendees again...

a strength circuit after a warm up lap was the order of the morning:
  • shoulder press (3 x 10-12)
  • lunge jumps (3 x 10 each leg)
  • bench press (to failure, 3 sets)
  • squat jumps (3 x 12)
  • seated row (3 x 12)
  • single leg bridges (3 x 10 each leg)
  • decline push ups (3 x 12)
  • jackknife crunch on swiss ball (3 x 12)
hadn't done decline push ups or the jackknife crunch before so that was fun...

last night was fielding @ Kingston from 5:00pm followed by nets @ Manuka from 6:00pm...we eventually finished about 8:00pm...with less than 5 weeks before the CA Cup, the intensity is starting to increase...

1 comment:

speedygeoff said...

After all that, 8.51 should be easy to beat!