About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

23 September 2007

Quick weekend wrap...


headed up to Sydney at 8am....did 4 caches on the way...

picked Jodie up from the airport (she stayed to see her nephew play in his hockey grand final, they won 1-0)...

off to First Fleet Park to pick up our numbers and timing chips...it was packed!

bought some of the Festival merchandise...

visit to Kingsgrove Sports to have a look at the latest cricket gear before heading back to North Sydney to check in...

did another cache in Bradfield Park then had no success trying to find another one...

relatively early night after room service for dinner!


up at 5:30 am....perfect conditions...

no real goal for the run but figured 1:55 would be good....

love the new finish and the CR cheersquad were great...

finished in 1:50:15!! (gun time 1:51:26)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 8.9/68% (rising to 11.6/64%)
start time: 6:21am
total distance: 21.10
total time: 110:15
avg pace: 5:13
total calories: 1583
avg/max HR*: 170/238

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
00:02 [Z2: 111-130]
00:21 [Z3: 130-148]
60:10 [Z4: 148-167]
49:34 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 5:35, 5:04, 4:59, 5:09, 5:14, 5:01, 5:19, 5:11, 5:14, 4:56, 5:15, 5:33, 5:03, 5:14, 5:29, 5:36, 5:16, 5:16, 5:20, 5:19, 4:56

meanwhile Jodie was stepping up to the Bridge Run from the Family Fun Run and had set herself a goal of 58:30...I was thinking she was selling herself short and thought she could go 54:00...she blitzed it with 50:58 (52:33 gun)...

it was no rest for the wicked as we had to go back to the hotel, shower, checkout and head back to Canberra...

made it back in time for fitness testing...15min run to start (I still did the 2nd most distance)...some flexibility stuff followed by push ups (1min) and sit ups (1min)...then we had to do a type of shuttle run (9 cones spaced 3m apart with balls on top - the goal being to return the balls to the start) 3 times with 1 min rest in between...

now back home resting...but still have to get up early for gym tomorrow!


Gronk said...

Nice work AR. It was a great day and it looks like you enjoyed the new course.

speedygeoff said...

Looks like you are heading in the right direction. Your 39th year will be a good one. That's a darn quick recovery.

Ewen said...

Reading about your weekend is making me tired.

1:50 is good! You're getting back to where you were before the injury.

It was a great day. Jodie beat me to the finish in the 9k.