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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

05 September 2007

"Happy (43rd) Wedding Anniversary"...

7 attendees again...

mostly boxing today interspersed with pushups, squats and side bridges...

in pairs, started off doing 3 lots of combos ("jab, jab/cross"; "L uppercut, L uppercut/R hook"; "R uppercut, R uppercut/L hook") for 30secs each combo...

then we moved to pyramid combos...the combo was "jab/cross" and you had to do the combo 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 times with pushups corresponding to the number of combos in between each (the person with the focus mitts had to do the same number of squats)...that was quite a test...

then we did some side bridges - 6 x 10sec holds on each side...

a 6-part combo followed next: jab/cross/L hook/duck/L uppercut/R hook x 60sec x 2...this was tough as it was hard to remember, both as the puncher and the punchee, what came next!

finally we finished with some more side bridges - 4 x 10sec holds on each side - & some stretching....

rang mum & dad to wish them a "Happy Wedding Anniversary" (43) only for mum to say "it's tomorrow" and I said "no, today's the 5th" to which she responded "so it is!"...mind you, it's understandable she made a mistake because there's been a bit of drama with her knee - she thought she'd done something to the prosthesis because it had swelled up overnight on Sunday and was hard to flex...she saw Paul yesterday who organised an x-ray...the prosthesis is good but the warfarin she takes for her blood pressure had caused blood to accumulate in the knee (it had swollen right up again)...she's seeing her GP today to sort out the warfarin issue...means a backward step in her recovery but at least there's nothing wrong with the structure of the knee...


speedygeoff said...

43 years hey? That's even more than J & me! I hope you publicise family birthdays too. For example, just a random example, SUPPOSE you were born in 1969, and IF the date was the 22nd, you'd tell is in advance, wouldn't you, so we could wish you happy birthday this month?

Carolyne said...

Gosh, I wonder what Speedy Geoff could be alluding to?

Happy Anniversary Mr & Mrs C.

Ewen said...

Spodychoff knows all the birthdays!