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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

03 September 2007

Gym & this week's schedule...

7 attendees at this morning's session, not great but better than the last two Mondays...

jumped on the bike for about 5 mins before we did a boxing warm up...4 x 1min on each of "jab, jab, cross"; L uppercut x 2, R hook; R uppercut x 2, L hook; and jab/cross/jab/cross..

today's focus was strength and we did the following exercises in a circuit with 1 set at each aiming to do three circuits in total (we didn't achieve that due to time):

external shoulder rotations (theraband), low elbow x 10 each arm
db single arm military press x 8 each arm
db split leg squats x 8 each leg (we all did no db for the first set then added weight after that)
external shoulder rotations (theraband), high elbow x 10 each arm
lat pulldowns x 8
db bench press x 8 each arm
3 part trapezius raise x 8 each arm

in the time available I managed to do three sets for the first 4 exercises...I think the trainer needs to re-assess how much is possible for the group to do in the 60mins available...

we also did some interesting partner hamstring stretches...found all of them OK except one where my left hip went into cramp!!...very funny too (I wasn't the only one that suffered that...)...

this week's schedule looks like this:



Mondaysquad fitness session (6:30-7:30am)

faster session: 8 x 1min/45secJR + batting session (5:45pm)

Wednesdaysquad fitness session (6:30-7:30am) + easy 60min
Thursdayspeedygeese session (5:30pm)
FridayCustoms (~12:25pm)
Sundayeasy 120mins + squad cricket training (3:30-6:00pm)

may have persuaded Jodie to give the speedygeese sessions a go as well!!

1 comment:

speedygeoff said...

Those uppercuts will come in handy when the speedygeese session gets too hard. Let's hope that's a day I'm on holidays.
"You and whose army" I would say. "Me & Tim & Jodie &...." you would say.