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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

22 August 2007

Gym session...

last night's batting session was good although I was a bit of a gumby on one of the cutting drills when Jodie added in some extra difficulty!

got home to find that Suze had managed re-do all the cabling (after cutting some holes in the entertainment unit) following the arrival of our plasma TV - we have so many things connected together it's hard to keep track of what goes where...Fox (with a transmitter station so I can watch it in my room), stereo, speakers, combined DVD/VHS plus another DVD player which can play other media as well...

good gym session this morning...actually like these early morning starts as it really wakes me up for the day...8 attendees (an improvement on Monday) so we worked in pairs again...

today's focus was on strength (heavier weights than usual) so after a warm up on either the bikes or the rowers we did the following (this was the order I did them):

3 x [military press (8) / lunges with dumbbell twist (8 each leg)]
3 x [lat pulldown (8) / theraband rotator cuff exercise (8 each shoulder)]
3 x [T-pushups (8*) / crunch with medicine ball (8 each side)]
3 x [boxing - punching bag (60sec) / plank (60sec)]
5 x [rowing: 30sec 100% / 90sec 70%]

* my partner and I had to do 10 T-pushups for the 2nd & 3rd sets after he asked us how we were finding them - we said hard so I wonder how many we would have had to do had we said easy!!

built up a fair sweat by the end but felt surprisingly good...

should be right to do my easy 50mins at lunch...

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