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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

15 August 2007

Early morning session...

session #2

this time more of a circuit of sorts...after a jogging warm up we split into pairs (or in my case a three) and did the following (this is the order my group did it):
  • lat pulldowns (15) / push ups (15) x 3
  • military press (10) / seated row (15) x 3
  • then we were meant to do "6 count bodybuilders" (like burpees but on valium with a push up in the middle, i.e. with a pause at each step) (10) / sitting medicine ball catches to each side (20)...I got 1 lot of the BB6 done & no medicine ball work before we had to move on...
  • on the bike: 30sec hard / 30sec easy x10
  • boxing: 30sec jabs/crosses + 30sec hooks + 30sec uppercuts + 30sec combo of jab/cross/hooks/uppercuts - no pause so 2mins of effort x 2 then I did an extra set (but 15sec instead of 30sec)...I did this with the trainer holding the focus mitts so I probably got the best workout for this...
  • rowing: 10sec hard / 20sec easy x 10
finished with stretching...

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