About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

04 June 2007

Sneaky Taskmaster...

the Taskmaster was at his sneaky best today...

warmed up with 3 x 50m kick (quick turnaround) the he had me trying dolphin kick - we worked over about 2 x 25m for this (I was hopeless) then finished with 25m kick...

another solid deep water running session...again not too many corrections to form so that's good...

finished with 2 x 50m kick, 2 x 50m pull buoy & hand paddles, 2 x 50m hand paddles & then 2 x25m freestyle...350m to finish, I told you he was sneaky (I think it's because I have so much fun with his swimming aids, LOL)...

I always catch up with what's happening with his new business...the coffee cart is getting closer to delivery, it's finally cleared Customs in Brisbane & is now getting re-wired to Australian standards (at the manufacturer's cost - it was inadvertently wired for the US!)...he's got his cups & has been stamping them with his basic design for the moment (red star)....he's finally happy with his coffee blend & will be purchasing his coffee, machine & grinder shortly...

oh, I've entered the C2S....


TA and the Gnome said...

Isn't it amazing what we will do to keep fit when running isn't allowed!

Look forward to seeing you at C2s and glad to read the heel is coming back well.


Ewen said...

This is good! Will it be a pub crawl, or can you get down to 75 minutes in 6 weeks?