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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

04 June 2007

Walking, walking and more walking...

didn't end up doing anything exciting Friday night apart from watching NRL all night...after a good week of tipping last week (7/8) I started with 0/2 this week...


the stats:
start time: 9:05am
total distance: 12.06
total moving time: 33:40
avg/max speed: 21.5/36.6kph
total calories: 357

rode my bike to mum & dad's where Tim was going to service it for me (even though he wasn't there I got to see his custom built trailer for his coffee cart) then Suze picked me up for golf...

was a pretty good day weather-wise and while I started with a birdie I only had a couple of other good holes for the day...we were playing a team (of 3) event, my team-mates played better than I did for the most part but we weren't good enough to win a ball...

didn't end up going to the movies...spent part of the night planning a dog friendly caching expedition for Sunday and then watched the union test and some more NRL...


went caching for about 3hrs in the morning...did 4 caches on Wanniassa Hill so that was a good workout...Hux loved it although he wanted to chase the 'roos...

did another 2 in Farrer (well Suze did 2 as I previously found one of them) and then 1 in Isaacs which we had both previously DNFed on...

that we raced back to Belconnen for Suze's basketball...she dropped Hux & I off at Lake Ginninderra (near the home of the sea scouts) where we made our way around while I collected info for a multi-cache...that took 2hrs...

then it was back to mum & dad's to get my bike...after some more gear adjustments it was good to go (although the brake pads need to be replaced - the ones I got Suze to buy me on the way back to the lake were the wrong ones so Tim will exchange them for me and then come in during the week and replace them...what a nice brother but don't tell him I said that!)...the bike sounds so much quieter now and runs so much more smoothly (I feel faster too!)...Tim had to lend me a flashing light to rode home as it was getting a little dark!

the stats:
start time: 4:52pm
total distance: 12.03
total moving time: 36:04
avg/max speed: 20.0/38.1kph
total calories: 341

spent the next hour logging my finds then back out again to do the shopping and pick up some pizza before finally getting to just sit back...

this morning's ride in was cool & damp as the mist collected on my glasses and all over the front of me!...by the time I stopped it was like I had ridden in the rain as it dripped off me...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 3.8/99%
start time: 7:39am
total distance: 15.38
total moving time: 39:28 (total time 41:35)
avg/max speed: 23.2/40.6kph
total calories: 464
avg/max HR*: 119/141

*Time spent in HR Zones:
07:01 [Z1: 93-111]
26:43 [Z2: 111-130]
06:14 [Z3: 130-148]
00:00 [Z4: 148-167]
00:00 [Z5: 167-185]

heel feels pretty good at the moment...hopefully I'll get the go ahead to start jogging soon...

back into the pool today for session #5 with Tim the Taskmaster...wonder what torture he's dreamed up for me this time?!

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