About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

18 May 2007

Happy Birthday Dad...

last night's dinner for dad's birthday at Restaurant@CIT was good except the service was a bit dodgy...I guess that should be expected from what is essentially a teaching restaurant...

you get a choice of three entrees, three main meals and two desserts for $26.50 plus drinks...unfortunately they ran out of one of the mains (a Baked Salmon) so that left me with a choice of sirloin steak or quail...I'm not a steak eater by choice but that's what I went for (would have had the Salmon otherwise)...the meals were a good size though, not to small and not too big

Tim was critiquing their use of the espresso machine (to us not them) - the latte & flat white ordered by mum & dad respectively didn't quite fit the bill with the flat white looking more like a cappuccino without the chocolate while the latte had chocolate (& apparently the froth was spooned not poured on)...i don't even drink coffee but they did look weird to me!

Tim's champing at the bit to get his business up & running...there was a glitch with the wiring of his cart & it's being re-done in Brisbane before being shipped here free of charge (he was originally going to pick it up in Sydney)...he's been busy sourcing all his needs - coffee machine, coffee (to his blend), grinder, cups, point of sale equipment etc etc...he's waiting to hear back from a real estate agent regarding a space in Braddon next to the Ride Shop...he'll have a website as well as a loyalty card...i will, of course, publish all the details when he gets up & running!...

did manage to fit in my elliptical session before I went to bed while watching the start of the second session of the first test between England and the West Indies...

Cross Trainer Stats:
time: 35:00
total strides: 3678
calories: 1149

Garmin HR stats*:
avg HR: 133
max HR: 144

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:32 [Z1: 93-111]
08:30 [Z2: 111-130]
25:40 [Z3: 130-148]
00:00 [Z4: 148-167]
00:00 [Z5: 167-185]

HR was good but output was down slightly, might have been a bit tired!

no plans for today, waiting for my water running belt & wobble board to arrive...if it arrives this morning Tim will take me through my first water running session with a plan to do it twice a week...

it's 7 days until Jodie (& her mum) leaves for the big trip....they are going to Hawaii (including a cruise around the Hawaiian islands) then onto Canada before going to the US...all up I think it's about 6 weeks...

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