About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

21 May 2007

Back in the swing...

Friday I was slack and didn't do an elliptical session after work (my deep water running stuff hadn't arrived either)...

arrived home to hear what sounded like cats wailing in the back of the house...turns out it was Suze & Jodie played "Singstar 80s" on the PlayStation!...had a go myself, very funny stuff...

watched "Happy Feet" on DVD during dinner then played some Eye Toy games on the PlayStation with Suze...can actually get a reasonable good workout playing these!

Saturday and I was back on the golf course for the first time in 8 weeks...got there nice and early to warm up with some chipping & putting...it was quite windy out but at least it wasn't cold...didn't shoot a great score (not many other people did either) but managed to hit 8/14 fairways (which is very high for me!)...unfortunately only hit one green in regulation...putting was OK (34)...started to limp by the 3rd hole but it didn't get any worse...I think it was my shoes (leather not very forgiving) more than anything so made plans to buy a new pair...

finished the night playing some more Eye Toy games...

Sunday, bizarrely my heel was the best it's been since the surgery so maybe the golf helped even though it was sore at the time...ended up buying some new golf shoes (more like cross trainers) and then it was time to drop Suze at basketball in Belconnen (the team she coaches got up by 4 points to be 3-0 for the season)...

had a reasonably lazy day for the remainder...Jodie & Suze went to the Pink concert which was, apparently, fabulous!

today up a bit earlier this morning...had a pretty quick ride in...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 10.2/71%
start time: 7:25am
total distance: 15.35
total moving time: 37:50 (total time 38:37)
avg/max speed: 24.2/42.3kph
total calories: 480
avg/max HR*: 134/166

*Time spent in HR Zones:
02:49 [Z1: 93-111]
08:39 [Z2: 111-130]
21:51 [Z3: 130-148]
05:24 [Z4: 148-167]
00:00 [Z5: 167-185]

tried to maintain a reasonable cadence all the way but will need to get a new battery for the sensor to get some actual numbers...I keep forgetting to take remove it when I'm not cycling...

got physio just before lunch...I think she has some painful plans for me!