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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

30 May 2007

Backwards & forwards...

today's water running session went well except for the swimmer that smashed his hand into my heel near the end of the third lap of my warm up (I did say a swear word quite loudly as I came to an immediate stop), in his favour he did apologise twice!

warmed up with 2 x 50m freestyle & then 2 x 50m kick - not really done much kicking so I'm pretty inefficient...Tim the Taskmaster gave me some tips in the last 10m which he said made a heap of difference...

then it was into the water running segment...lots of laps working on different aspects - arm movement, knee movement, leg extension, hip flexion, shoulders back, hips forward - and at different paces...backwards and forwards we went...

finished with 2 x 50m with pull buoy & hand paddles (my first time with these, I felt like such a powerful swimmer with them on!) & then 2 x 50m kick (doing it "properly" this time)...I got a bit fatigued in the right ankle in the 2nd lot of 50m so Tim the Taskmaster suggested I swim 5 kicks of breast-stroke kick before resuming normal kicking...that seemed to work & I only did one more lot of breast-stroke kick before the end...

he reckons I'm improving with both the water running & the swimming...he continued on with pull buoy & hand paddles for another 1k (I think)...

session was about 55mins all up...next session Friday...

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