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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

08 March 2007

"Remembrance Park"...

last night's orienteering was on the slopes of Mt Ainslie behind the War Memorial starting/finishing in Remembrance Park...

Team Davcal knew this was going to be a tough course but did the Orange 1 (4.8k, 12 controls) course anyway!...

we had a pretty clean run except for overshooting a dirt trail to #6...my fault again as I was the lead runner but at least Jodie picked up the error before we joined a bunch of others who appeared to have done the same thing...we sorted it out fairly quickly and continued on...

due to the steepness of the area we did a lot more walking than running hence our relatively slow time...i didn't enjoy this as much as the others because of (a) my heel & (b) the blister that was forming above my left achilles!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 25.4/32%
start time: 5:31pm
total distance: 6.44
total time: 81:24
avg pace: 12:38
total calories: 345
avg/max HR: 136/164
finish temp/humidity: 24.9/33%

mountain gazelle Trevor Jacobs bounded past us in between controls 6 & 7...he's looking good for 6 Foot this weekend...I'll post the results when they are put on the OACT website...

did some caching on the way home - picked up the Ball TB from "76 Trombones" (it's part of a game played within the boundaries of ACT where southside cachers try & keep the Ball TB on the northside while northside cachers try to keep it on the southside)...also did one of Suze's newer caches "Spend a Fore!tune" which is located right near Brand Depot (lucky it was closed or Jodie would have been inside spending a fore!tune!!

nothing planned for lunchtime today as I'm going to tackle the 3000m & the 7-lap spiral tonight...

1 comment:

Faithful Soles said...

Awesome post, I'd love to be able to run (or walk) on terrain like that, but in Houston we are as flat as a pancake. Keep up the good work.

By the way, I wanted to thank you again for linking to our Blog Database on the main Faithful Soles web site. We now have bloggers from 37 states in the USA and 20 other countries.