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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

19 February 2007

Weekend wrap...


did three caches before golf ("Just BeFore! you go", "Pride Goeth BeFore! the Falls" & "End of the Line") which took me up to 199...

golf was OK, finished 4th played a little worse than my new handicap but I was happy with how I went...

did one more cache ("Flooded Fore!d") after golf before heading to Sydney to bring up my 200th find...

made it to Sydney by 7:15pm and then it was pretty much straight into another car to continue on to Wallsend, arriving there after one stop at 9pm...

went out to a pub until just after midnight...


nice to have a sleep in on a cricket day, I didn't know what to do with my time...

we lost by 43 runs (9/179 v 4/222)...made another reasonable score of 40...

had a BBQ after the game before heading back to Sydney arriving there at about 8:30pm...left there about 9:00pm arriving back home at 11:55pm...


tired after the weekend, I couldn't be bothered riding to work so managed to catch the last 54 bus for the morning into Civic...

had pilates at lunchtime...good workout as we tried some harder stuff...getting the breathing sequence is my biggest problem...

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