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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

08 February 2007

"Commonwealth Park"...

"Team DavCal" ran as a group again...we completed the 3.16k course with 16 controls in 23:52...only the 1 orange course today due to the limited area available for the event...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 31.1/28%
start time: 5:53pm
total distance: 3.72
total time: 23:52
avg pace: 6:25
total calories: 280
avg/max HR: 158/177
finish temp/humidity: 30.3/29%

the plus of this course is that it's not hilly but you do run the whole way...lots more people than normal out there doing this one because of it's flatter nature i suspect...

the winning times for the other categories for the Orange course were:

  • Group - 21:20 (we were 3rd/15)
  • Male - Junior 16:58 Lachlan Dow
  • Male - Open 15:09 Steve Dowlan
  • Male - Masters 15:41 Anthony Scott
  • Female - Junior 19:27 Heather Harding
  • Female - Open 16:52 Susie Sprague
  • Female - Masters 19:18 Carol Harding
drove to work today so i can make the 6pm 3000m at the track...might see what else i can have a go at!

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