About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

23 November 2006

Warm & windy...

the ride home on Tuesday night wasn't quite as wild as i predicted but it was certainly windy and quite warm...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 33.9/9%
start time: 5:54pm
total distance: 15.57
total time: 47:08 (actual moving 45:52)
avg/max speed: 19.8/32.6kph
total calories: 434
avg/max HR: 124/149
avg cadence: 72rpm
finish temp/humidity: 32.1/10%

yesterday i got caught up buying a wireless broadband access package from Telstra at lunchtime so didn't get around to heading out for a run...probably the best though because it was quite windy & warm again!

in the afternoon we finally managed to get a centre wicket practice in...we played on the synthetic pitch at the front of the Mint...managed to fit in 50 overs worth of play in just over 2hrs...

today i'm planning to do the Hartley 5k Fun Run from the Acton Ferry Terminal (12.45pm start)...the "each entrant will receive a Freddo Frog" line is the main attraction plus the $2.50 sausage sizzle available afterwards...

after work we have a short net session at Manuka...i'm going early to help one of the players with some extra batting drills before training proper starts...

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