About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

23 November 2006

DEWR/Hartley Lifecare Challenge Team 5k...

i guess there were about 30 of us out there in quite warm conditions...

we got underway almost on time..i think we went a slightly different way this time by running down the bike path past the Museum dock before heading around the peninsula (instead of past the Museum cafe)...

bit of a headwind once we got around the Museum which did NOT turn into a tailwind (always the way) on the return trip where we did go past the Museum cafe...

i finished 17th & ended up being 2nd female, 29secs behind the winner...i lead her briefly (for about 400m) before she passed me, staying about 200-300m in front the rest of the way...Jodie worked really hard & managed another sub 30:00 time after i managed to lure her in with the Freddo Frog offer! (and they were the big fundraising ones too!!)

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 28.0/16%
start time: 12:46pm
total distance: 5.05
total time: 23:43
avg pace: 4:42
total calories: 377 [A giant Freddo Frog = 200]
avg HR: 172
finish temp/humidity: 29.3/9%

1k splits: 4:27, 4:42, 4:40, 5:03, 4:38, 0:13

1:07 slower than last year but comparable to the times i'm running for Customs at the moment...

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