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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

24 November 2006

Oh so sllooowwww...

good net session last night, we even had the guys there from the AIS measuring our bowling speed...got a bit competitive amongst the youngsters but i always say it's not about speed but what you can do with the ball...and, oh yes, i was the fastest despite being the oldest - top speed 99kph, mostly between 95-97kph, slow ball 90kph...

this morning's fitness session was tough, we had a different trainer because our regular trainer is participating in the Hartley Cycle Challenge (from Canberra to Kosciusko and back over three days)...a bit of running, lots of squats, a circuit x 2, ab work, lunges, calf raises etc etc...

Customs was well attended despite the warm weather...managed to stay (just) below my self-imposed acceptable standard of 25:00...i'll be glad when the extra cricket training is over!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 25.0/32%
start time: 12:30pm
total distance: 5.00
total time: 24:55
avg pace: 4:59
total calories: 374
avg HR: 164
finish temp/humidity: 26.0/30%

1k splits: 4:42, 5:00, 4:58, 5:04, 5:11

finished second last but at least i was out there (although i wasn't feeling quite so comfortable at the time)...no Jodie & Gordon today (slackers)...

the cricket's at an interesting stage with Ponting & Gilchrist falling in the same over...i'm sure Clarke & Warne will provide some entertaining batting!

tomorrow we are celebrating Jodie's 40th birthday with a BBQ at our place...although she's a Christmas baby she's always celebrated a month early (& manages to make it last the month as well!!)...Suze is doing the cooking, whilst the other attendees are bringing variously salads, munchies and dessert (provided by mum after a special request - lemon meringue pie & pavlova!!)...

i'm still fitting in a massage & round of golf (in that order) before the party...

sunday i'm off to Sydney for our match v Wallsend at Killara...last club match before the CA Cup at Central Reserve, Glen Waverley (4-8 December)...we fly out Sunday & play 4 consecutive days with our bye on the Friday...

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